2016 The Last Wave

So many calamities are happening, some natural and some man made, most definitely we are now at the cusp of a new move of the Spirit of God. But like all the other moves of the Spirit, God’s people must come together in one accord and pray this move in.  The video below was made using the audio track from a radio message that was aired in Trinidad and Tobago on December 19, 2015. You can see our track record since 2010 of our year-end messages on our Declarations Page.


Acts 2:1-2

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

Note that we are on Isaac 98.1FM every First, Third and Fifth (when then is a one) Saturday at 8:00PM, so you can listen out for our latest messages.

We also beseech residents of T&T to join us for Prayer, Worship and Word every Sunday afternoon at 5:00PM in Santa Cruz. For more information you can call us at 740-6103.


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